About & Contact

This is our blog for family, friends and anyone else who's interested to know what we {Myles and Laura} are getting up to on our travels across the world.

After months of complaining about England weather jobs general stuff (and Myles mum persuading us to go traveling), we decided to quit our jobs and leave England to experience all life has to offer and travel the world.

On November 12th 2012 Myles and I went to STA Travel had a great meeting about traveling to Australia and all it has to offer. (We decided after many hours researching and talking to go to America, Canada, Fiji and Australia!)  

We left Rainy England & everything we knew on the 6th of June 2013 with no more than our extreamly heavy backpacks and a few greyhound tickets.

We will be blogging as often as we can about what we are getting up to, what we are eating and how we feel about it all. A general view on everything we are experiencing good and bad.

So put your email address in the box at the side and follow us to get updates on everything we are doing!!



  1. Hello Both. Many thanks for the wonderful blogs.
    The pictures just get better and better.
    We, the viewers, are discovering the world too.
    Keep up the good work if you can and thank you. lol G'm.xxxx

  2. I've left comments on your Gallery, hope you can see them. G'm xxxxx

  3. I hope you get round to reading this site. Most comments seem to be left on your Contacts site. I'm probably getting it all wrong but just thought I'd mention your lovely soft comfortable bed with cool air coming in through the Velux, I think of you when I see the picks of you all lying round the pool, on the hard ground trying to get some sleep.! And the heat! ! How are you coping ? It's very hot here today, around 20* ! Very nice actually.
    All the best, G' xx
