Friday, 20 September 2013

Website tweaks

I have had some spare time on Saturday so I thought I would borrow the computer at work and add a couple of bits for you all to play with. We have a voting poll on the far right hand side of the screen, you only have 10 days to vote for who writes the best blog! Further down the page there is a view counter so you can all see just how many times you have looked at the blog! Along with this, there will be something new and exciting coming soon, its being built now so be patient and check back shortly. Bye for now x


  1. Where is it? Up until now I have been able to see and do it all from my phone. (Benefit of not having an iphone.) Now I do not have these new updates:-(

  2. Sorry Laura, your blogs are better than Myles but I had to vote for him just because he is behind in the poll!

  3. I feel the same as above, I usually feel sorry for the under dog so will vote for him ! Everyone knows you are the best Laura but don't tell Myles that as I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings. Dying to see what the big 'secret' is. Tell us soon as imaginations are running wild. xx G.
